Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Introduction to Me!

So, I don't know who's going to read this, and honestly, it doesn't matter to me.  I just felt like having somewhere to put my thoughts, stories, and anything else that I think about putting on here. 

Here's a little bit of my background.  I'm almost 25 years old and I have only had one boyfriend.  I am an engineer (which might explain the lack of a love life) and I just recently moved 1100 miles from the place that I called home for my first real job as an engineer.  Not only did I move so far, I moved to what I consider, a completely different country though it's still the U.S. 

I am a born and raised southern girl. Grew up in TN and lived for a couple years in AL for grad school.  About 5 months ago, I moved to CT.  It really is like a different country up here, but there will more stories about that later.

One of the reasons I decided to write this is to vent some of my frustrations.  Apparently I am in that period of life, where all my friends feel it is necessary to get married and/or have babies.  Don't get me wrong, I am very happy for them, and I'm especially honored when they feel that I am a good enough friend to be in their wedding.  However, it is very hard for a single girl to see all of her friends so happy.  I am the type of lady that guys only consider a friend.  Even the rare occasions when they find me attractive, I'm not as good-looking as the next girl that comes along.  Now, I don't think I'm ugly.  I'm just not the stick-thin gorgeous type like a lot of my friends and my sister.  Believe me, I can think of at least 5 or 6 times where this was true.

I don't really feel bad for myself most of the time.  I've been blessed with intelligence, athleticism, and great friends and family.  God's given me so much to be happy with in life.  It's just tough sometimes.  I have been in 4 weddings so far, and I am in another one in March and one in 2012.  Out of those 6, I was the MOH in 4 of them.  It is a great honor and I love my friends.  While I complain about a lot of the duties, I secretly enjoy them. 

I had a boyfriend for about nine months last year.  We still talk and maybe someday, we'll end up back in the same place and something may happen, but it's not meant to be right now.  I am a strong believer that if God wants something, it'll happen, and if He doesn't, you have to let it go, at least for a while.  I will say, the only thing I regret about the whole thing is that now I know how it feels to be truly happy with someone else.  It's okay though.  At least I got to feel it once.

That brings me to my life now.  I live by myself in a small, yet nice, apartment with two cats.  I've had one of them, Duke, for over a year and a half.  He's my baby.  When people pull out pictures of their babies, I pull out pictures of him (and my other cat, but he's newer).  He's a big orange tabby that has more personality than any of the cats I've met put together.  My other cat is Dobby (yes, I named him after a Harry Potter character).  He is about 4 months old and I got him last weekend.  He's a little fireball.  I will say, I've forgotten that kittens like to play in the middle of the night, so I haven't gotten much sleep this week.

There's a lot more to come.  Most of my blogs will probably be goofy little stories about my cats, or fun stories from weddings.  There may be some venting though, just to warn you.  Oh, and I will probably do a few jokes about the differences between the North and the South.  There are plenty!  Feel free to comment on anything!

See ya'll later!


  1. Samster! I love your new blog. What a great idea! And the background is so Star Writing is a good stress reliever. Keep it up:) Miss you. -Molly xoxo

  2. I couldn't agree more with you. I like to say "all good things in time", I just wish I could speed up time. God Bless and take care!!!

