Saturday, February 5, 2011

Life isn't a TV Show

So, I have a confession.  I live my love life through tv shows.  I know, sad right?  But I really do.  I have three shows that I watch religiously, and two of those have those two main characters that you always want to get together, but it seems they never do.  Of course, that's not the only reason I watch those shows.  For instance, Bones is one of my favorite shows ever! I love it.  It is full of science and religion and contraversy.  However, I love the two main characters.  I've been watching it for a few years now waiting for the two to get together.  I seriously get frustrated watching Booth and Bones dance around each other.  It's the same way with the USA network show Psych.  (SIDE NOTE: If you have never watched this show, you really need to.  It is absolutely hysterical.)  Even when watching Glee, I get upset when people break up.

I think I have finally figured out what it all means though.  Apparently, I do have a romantic side.  I tell my friends that I am okay being single, and that guys aren't worth it most of the time.  But I really want what they have.  Even knowing the hurt of rejection (which I've known a lot of in my time), I still want it.  Everything in life seems to revolve around finding that one person you're supposed to be with.  I hate it but at the same time, I can see why.  People are meant to be in love.  They are meant to find the one person that they are supposed to spend their life with. 

I don't know if I am meant to have that.  Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.  I know that I am strong, and that I will be okay without it.  I have my two boys, Duke and Dobby.  I know that life isn't like a tv show.  People don't always find their soul mates.  I do believe though that God gives those people the strength to be happy on their own.  As long as I have that strength, I'll be okay.

I apologize for the depressing nature of this post.  I think it may be because I am sitting at home on a Saturday night and I've had a couple glasses of whiskey.  I have plenty of fun stories that will get put on here.  For instance, I learned today to NEVER go to the grocery store on a Saturday afternoon.  Especially in YankeeLand.  Anyways, see ya'll later!

1 comment:

  1. Can totally relate! Not sure if this still applies to your situation but I am convinced (especially now that I found out my now ex was flirting with another chick online) that I will die alone with cats! I think now that I am ready to make my peace with it lol. I mean not everyone is meant to find their soul mate like u said. Someone has to be the cat lady, no? Know anyone giving away cats. Better start now lol. But really good luck to you!
